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happy spirit中文是什么意思

用"happy spirit"造句"happy spirit"怎么读"happy spirit" in a sentence


  • 开心女鬼
  • "happy"中文翻译    adj. 1.幸福的,幸运的。 2.快乐的,愉快的。 3 ...
  • "spirit"中文翻译    n. 1.精神,心灵,灵魂 (opp. body, fl ...
  • "and happy" 中文翻译 :    犹自乐
  • "be happy" 中文翻译 :    开心; 心情愉快; 要快乐
  • "be happy in" 中文翻译 :    幸好有
  • "happy" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.幸福的,幸运的。 2.快乐的,愉快的。 3.感到满足的。 4.巧妙的,恰当的;可喜的。 5.〔口语〕有点醉意的,飘飘然的;兴奋的。 6.〔常用以构成复合词〕喜欢…的;爱用…的,热衷于…的。 a happy union 幸福的结合[婚姻]。 He is as happy as happy can be. 他再幸福没有了。 a happy choice 恰当的选择。 a happy event 可喜的事。 a happy idea 好主意,高见。 a happy translation 巧译,妙译。 trigger-happy 动不动爱扳枪机的;好斗的。 power-happy 权迷心窃的。 statistic-happy 热衷于统计数字的。 as happy as the day is long = as happy as a clam [king, lark] 非常幸福,非常快乐。 be happy in (幸好)有… (I was once happy in a son. 我也有过一个男孩子,可是…)。 be happy in one's expressions 妙语如珠,谈笑风生。 be happy in one's own degeneration 自甘堕落。 be happy together (夫妇)和睦相处。 by a happy chance 恰巧,正巧;顺顺当当。 hit [strike] the happy mean [medium] 采取中庸之道,折衷。
  • "not happy with" 中文翻译 :    是一致的
  • "be the spirit" 中文翻译 :    真有道理
  • "in spirit" 中文翻译 :    精神上
  • "in the spirit of" 中文翻译 :    本着……精神
  • "of spirit" 中文翻译 :    灵魂
  • "spirit" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.精神,心灵,灵魂 (opp. body, flesh)。 2.灵,神;天使,妖精,魔鬼(等);鬼怪,幽灵。 3.〔只用 sing.〕元气,志气;气概,气魄;勇气。 4.〔pl.〕情绪,心情,兴致。 5.(具有突出精神力量的)人物。 6.(时代)精神,潮流,风气。 7.〔常 sing.〕态度。 8.(法律、文件等的)精神 (opp. letter 文字)。 9.〔常 pl.〕精(华)。 10.〔常 pl.〕酒精,醇。 11.【医学】醑剂,酒剂,药酒。 It is our duty to cultivate the spirit of boldness and fearlessness. 我们的责任是培育大无畏的精神。 The editorial voices the spirits of the young people. 社论表达了年轻人的心情。 a man of spirit 精神饱满的人。 an unbending spirit 倔强的人。 a bold spirit 大胆的人。 a master spirit 杰出人物。 the leading spirit 领袖。 a teenager of spirit 意志坚强的少年。 Leave this to some more inquiring spirit. 把这个交给更有研究的人去干吧。 He never drinks spirits. 他从来不喝烈酒。 spirit(s) and water 掺水酒精。 spirit(s) of ammonia 【药学】氨酊(卤精)〔10%的氨水溶于酒精中〕。 spirit(s) of hartshorn 【化学】鹿精〔氢氧化氨的旧称〕;鹿角酒。 spirit(s) of turpentine 松节油。 spirit(s) of wine 纯酒精。 be full of animal spirits 血气旺盛。 break sb.'s spirits 挫折…锐气,使…垂头丧气。 catch sb.'s spirit 引起,兴趣。 give up the spirit 死。 have a high spirit 精神好,有进取心。 in good spirits 精神好,高兴,兴致好。 in high spirits 情绪极好,兴高采烈,兴致勃勃 (He is in high spirits today. 他今天很高兴)。 in low spirits 意气消沉,垂头丧气,怏怏不乐。 in spirits 愉快地,活泼地。 in (the) spirit 心中,在内心;在精神上。 keep up one's spirits 打起精神。 lead the life of the spirit 过崇尚精神的生活。 lose one's spirits 气馁,败兴,垂头丧气。 meek in spirit 性情温柔。 out of spirits 郁郁不乐,气闷。 raise sb.'s spirit 发扬…锐气,使…扬眉吐气。 team spirit 团队精神。 recover one's spirits 恢复精神。 take in a wrong spirit 误会 (He takes criticism in the wrong spirit. 他误会这个批评了)。 the poor in spirit 谦虚的人。 to one's spirit 到心里。 vt. 1.鼓励,鼓舞 (up; on); 使精神振作。 2.拐带,诱拐,拐去 (away; off)。 spirit up 打起精神,拿出精神。
  • "happy happy" 中文翻译 :    酷语连篇; 快乐时光
  • "happy birthday happy birthday" 中文翻译 :    生日快乐,快乐生日
  • "happy happy clover" 中文翻译 :    小兔幸运草
  • "happy happy day" 中文翻译 :    学韩语第七课
  • "happy sammy happy family" 中文翻译 :    森玩家
  • "happy things happy life" 中文翻译 :    喜事不烦人
  • "enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit" 中文翻译 :    创业精神
  • "spirit keeper-earth spirit" 中文翻译 :    灵魂看守者-大地之灵
  • "spirit-spirit sect" 中文翻译 :    灵灵教
  • "a happy day" 中文翻译 :    快乐的一天
  • "a happy ending" 中文翻译 :    大团圆结局; 美满的结局; 圆满的收场
  • "a happy event" 中文翻译 :    一件开心的事
  • "a happy fairy" 中文翻译 :    快活神仙


  • The impulsive lavinia asked herself whether the modification of the young man's original project had been conceived in a happy spirit .
  • The happy spirit of tao yuanming in harmony with nature
  • I went to bed with a calm and happy spirit
  • I have always felt that laughter and a happy spirit is healing to the body and adds to ones quality of life
  • And don was always a happy spirit and a happy go lucky bouncy kind of a guy and one day he comes to the back of her door and she sees him there in the early morning , because the milkmen always came early in the morning
  • When to these recollections was added the developement of wickham s character , it may be easily believed that the happy spirits which had seldom been depressed before , were now so much affected as to make it almost impossible for her to appear tolerably cheerful
  • One can discover other spiritual themes and imagery in andersens works as well . for example , the following passage from the story the bell 1845 suggests that the author experienced some degree of enlightenment : the whole of nature was a large holy church , in which the trees and hovering clouds formed the pillars , the flowers and grass , the woven velvet carpet , and heaven itself was the great cupola ; up there the flame color vanished as soon as the sun disappeared , but millions of stars were lighted ; diamond lamps were shining , and above them sounded the invisible holy bell ; happy spirits surrounded them , singing hallelujahs and rejoicing
用"happy spirit"造句  
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